Summary: All Quiet On The Western Front

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Jeffrey Dodd Remarque, Erich. All Quiet on the Western Front. Parsippany: Pearson Education, 1995 A Soldier’s View of War The book titled, All Quiet on the Western Front, written by Erich Maria Remarque in 1928, is a novel narrated by the book’s main character, Paul Baumer. In writing this story, Remarque was able to draw upon personal experiences as a soldier serving in the German army during World War I. The story is set on the German front lines in its war against France in 1918. Baumer gave readers a vivid view of how he lost his school friends one-by-one in what seems to be a senseless war, started by old men, and fought by naïve school boys. As the war dragged on, he lost his boyish idealism and had difficulty imaging his life without…show more content…
Kantorek was a small-framed man who had the face of a mouse. He was an idealist and spoke of patriotism, honor, and duty. Baumer felt misled by Kantorek. Older adults were supposed to pass on knowledge and experience to the younger generation, not lead them into almost certain death. Baumer’s head was filled with these ideas of serving country and honor when he entered the war. All these ideas were shattered as he and his comrades saw others torn to shreds on their first day on the battlefield. Although he was angry at his schoolmaster, he did not blame Kantorek for encouraging them to enlist because the world is full of people just like him. Kantorek had good intentions and believed in duty – as long as it was not him fighting and dying. Toward the end of the book, Kantorek was drafted and proved to be a poor soldier. This reflects the uselessness of the ideas of patriotism and nationalism Kantorek pumped into the minds of his…show more content…
Albert Kropp was Baumer’s old schoolmate and close friend. Toward the end of the story, Kropp had his leg amputated because of an injury and was sent home. Muller and Leer were also old school friends. Muller was shot in the abdomen and only lived 30 minutes following his injury. Tjaden was also in Baumer’s Second company and was the subject of Himmelstoss’ brutality and humiliation tactics. Tjaden hated Himmelstoss more than anyone else in the company. As a former locksmith, he was a thin man, despite the fact he was the biggest eater in the company. Haie Westhus, a large man, was in his Company and died in battle after being hit in the back. Detering, another Company member, was a farmer with a wife and children. He deserted his Company but was later captured. Baumer’s closest friend and father figure in the Company was Stanislaus Katczinsky, known as Kat. Kat had a sixth sense about upcoming events and was a big help to the guys. Kat was shot in the leg and Baumer tried to carry him to get help. During their journey, Kat was hit in the head with shrapnel and died. Lieutenant Bertink was the brave and fair commander of the Second Company. He died protecting his troops. At the end of the story, Baumer was killed. The theme of the novel is pacifism and the horrific actions committed in war and its effects on the soldiers. Baumer and his friends were taught patriotism, honor, and
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