Summary: All Quiet On The Western Front

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Tatum Zumpano Professor Whitton October 28, 2014 Movie Review All Quiet on the Western Front I thought that All Quiet on the Western Front was an incredible film that showed the realistic side to what war really is like. The scenes portray the absurdity of war from the point of view of young German soldiers fighting on the front. The perspective of the film is completely from the view of the young German soldiers that ended up joining the war by propaganda. At first they believed joining the war was a heroic and glorious thing to do for their country but by the end we see the physical and mental damage it causes to everyone of them. The main theme of this film is shown during the opening scene. A quote is posted that tells death is not…show more content…
Every second is dangerous for them, they can die at any time. We see when they are marching random bombs are going off unexpectedly. Along with this we see them having to deal with close friends dying next to them. The conditions that they live in are poor and dirty. The trenches seemed to be filled with water and dead bodies We eventually see the soldiers detach themselves from their emotions in order to make it another day in battle. We see Paul is still destroyed by the war even when he gets to go back home. Anytime someone approaches him and looks to him as a representation of a someone heroic we see how it upsets him. When comparing the young men in the beginning of the movie to the end we see the effects that the war had on deteriorating the human…show more content…
Paul sees a beautiful butterfly through the gun hole of his trench, like the ones he collected when he was back home. While looking at the butterfly he gets distracted by its beauty and decides to reach out to get it, forgetting about the dangers of doing this. In this moment he ends up getting shot by a French solider. We then see Paul’s hand at first jerk, and then twitch a bit until it goes limp, indicating that he is now dead. All is then quiet on the western front and the movie ends. The butterfly is symbolizing beauty in the world. In the middle of this violent battle, the butterfly reminds Paul just how beautiful the world can
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