Successful People Character Analysis

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Traits Of Successful People - 8 Characteristics Of All High Achievers By Rhodri Jones | Submitted On June 06, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Rhodri Jones Over the years the traits of successful people has been a topic of much discussion. All the great pioneers, entrepreneurs and entertainers of the world possess certain characteristics that have seen them achieve incredible success. But the good news is, these are success…show more content…
those must have characteristics that distinguish the achievers from the 'also-ran's'. 1. They Have Strong Belief They all believe that they can succeed in whatever they set out to accomplish. They never let fear, worry or doubt control them. They encounter obstacles and challenges with a strong confidence that they will be overcome and a positive outcome will result. 2. They Have Perseverance This is an essential trait if success is to be realized. Success is often a windy road. It is never easy or straightforward. Most of the successful people we know have shown great inner strength to keep pursuing their goals despite facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Just think of Thomas Edison. 3. They Set 'Fantasized' Goals Goals are vital to anyone's success, but what distinguishes the great from the ordinary are the types of goals they set themselves. Great innovators don't set goals they know or think they can achieve; they set goals that are perceived by many as stuff of fantasy. A great example of this was that of Bill Gates, whose dream was 'a computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer'. 4. They Love What They…show more content…
For the high achiever, success is never an overnight thing. It's a long, hard and difficult road so without a love and passion for what they do they would have given up well before the finishing line. 5. They Fail All successful people have failed at one time or other. They realize that failure is an essential part of success, and so don't waste any time and energy worrying about it. They all seem to adopt the philosophy of the great poet Samuel Beckett "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." 6. They Are Optimistic Optimism is a key trait that all successful people possess. However difficult things get for them they never get deterred or disillusioned. They have a consistently positive and upbeat mentality which ensures their drive and desire never diminishes despite challenges or difficulties. 7. They Are Focused Focus is at the core of all successful people's characters. They have a steadfast ability to prioritize projects that will move them closer to their goals, and avoid distractions that will prevent or hinder their progress. 8. They Take

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