Streetcar Named Desire Gender

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The book, A Streetcar Named Desire, written by Tennessee Williams, shows multiple themes of Art vs. Love, Romanticism vs. Realism and Desire vs. Decorum. As well as, the book also reveals hidden meanings in the truth behind the reality it was written in, in which social expectations of both the male and female sex are clearly illustrated and evident though out the text. The feminist theory can be used to view the text and literature in general, to provide evidence and examples of the dominate sex within the society and what are the roles/ responsibility of female characters. The feminist theory can also be used to reveal how “the biological differences between men and women gets translated into social terms and descriptions” (University of…show more content…
In which the characters would go against the norm of society. As depicted earlier in the analysis, sexual masculinity is depicted as an attractive force that forces the female characters to feel the desire and passion towards male characters. However Blanche explains that she does not find sexual masculinity appealing and attractive and therefore goes against society’s normal ideology. Through the quote “Suppose! You can't have forgotten that much of our bringing up, Stella, that you just suppose that any part of a gentleman's in his nature! Not one particle, no! Oh, if he was just--ordinary!” (4, 71) depicts how Blanche prefers a gentleman over a hypermasculine man that uses his sexual appeal to gain power over the female sex. The act and purpose of introducing characters, such as Mitch and Blanche, that go against society shows how the novel contains gaps that display the realistic features of a normal society. Another “gap” portrayed in the novel is the idea and theme that a women always depends on a man, however the author depicts a scene in which Stanley, the masculine figure of the novel, is depicted in a state of misery and depression and all he desires is Stella to help him. This is depicted by the quote and stage directions “Stella! My baby doll's left me! [He breaks into sobs. Then he goes to the phone and dials, still shuddering with sobs.]” (3, 59). The quote and stage directions depict how a man can depend and desire a female, which give the female characters, in this instance, Stella gains the power over Stanley. The gaps portrayed in the novel make the masculine theme less effective to the reader, and creates a false believe that both the male and female characters are equally in power in the
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