Film Analysis: The Lost Boys Of Sudan

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In 1983 the civil war of North and South Sudan broke out because of years of fighting on the Arab north against the Black Christian and animus. South. Religion and oil resources were the main reasons behind the fighting. In 1987, the Muslim government sent out an announcement to kill all male children in the South regardless of age. In order to survive the bloody war, thousands fled from Sudan to Ethiopia. When the Muslim government reached word of those who fled, the 86,000 men fled from Ethiopia to Kenya. The 12,000 men who were able to survive when they reached their destination were referred to as the “Lost Boys of Sudan”. “God Grew Tired of Us” is a shocking and uplifting documentary that follows the resettlement in the United States…show more content…
The cameraman firstly stresses on Daniel, one of the lost boys, explaining how the civil war in Sudan was terrible he could witness from his own experience looking his father was killed in front of him. “If there is peace in Sudan, I will come…. but like my father has died ….When I go through Ethiopia, we were running.” Speechless for some moments, Daniel. “I can not go to Sudan again.” He looks so shocked on that experience. “God Grew Tired of Us” is about the Lost Boys of the Dinka tribe of Sudan, who left their homeland due to harsh civil war that was undergoing in their village, caused many to die, destroy villages, and kill people mainly men by the government troops. Over 86,000 people most of them children left their country towards Ethiopia for a few years and then went to Kenya refugee camp named Kakuma. This film focuses the hardship, suffering, and starvation with wry observation of newly arrived immigrants to the United States struggling on how they were trying to maintain their culture, curiosity to be self-reliant, and to help family members left…show more content…
Culture is the most important factor to the lost boys. During the first three months they tried to judge over the new culture faced. For instance, Daniel was constantly complaining about the American culture, lifestyle, and norms, saying that, “It is difficult in America, you have different work,...Why is it tough like that?” It took them some time to adjust, especially to John and Panther. After a year’s initial support, each is expected to fend for himself and to pay back his airfare to the United States. That often means working three jobs a day doing things like flipping burgers at McDonald’s and busing tables in a restaurant, while sending as much money to relatives in Africa as can be squeezed out of a minimum wage. The biggest problem to them was loneliness. Although they worked hard and lived better, they were not usually happy being separated from their group members. As the result one of their members t was reported as lost because of despondent and lonely in the new country. John and Panther are so excited about their resettlement in U.S. Both of them were curious to work and help themselves and their beloved families back in Africa. In this case, the movie focuses on Panthers curiosity to be employed and help himself. “ If they give me a job…..If I stand

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