Stolen Innocence: The Oppression Of Child Labor

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Stolen Innocence The oppression of child labor is sickening and gruesome, most often tragic in the most dangerous and scariest of situations. In countries where "much of the nation’s farmland is worked my toddlers, yoke teams in three-four- and five- years old who plough and glean seeds from dawn to dusk. On any given morning the canal bank and immigration ditches in rural villages are lined with urchin who stand no taller than piles of laundry. They wash their wealthy neighbor," stated report in Atlantic Monthly. (Gay 23) The result of poverty urges parents to cease their children to work, but even then increases more conditions. However, there are 250 million children who continue to work and pertain the basic essentials for food, clothing,…show more content…
(Parker et al. 25) Did you know? "For every child who works, there may be an adult who can't find a job. [Sadly, children earn less and sometimes one-third of what adults earn]. (Parker et. al 48) For the most part, these kids aren't really give a choice or stare their matter of opinion. Although we may decrease or stop the extreme of this heartless injustice, it will take an integrity of commitment to asset other countries to put an end or limit the crucial risks in their working…show more content…
(Gay 24) [As well as], “some countries classify people from birth into economic groups inch range from a [superior] upper class to a low class, which is almost as powerless as slaves.” (Gay 22) [The use of children under 16 years old], “doesn’t include helping out with household chores or family businesses, yet unless keeps from attending school.” (Parker et. al 20) According to Parker et al. ,”children work in fields and factories, workshops and tea shops, on deep sea fishing platforms and construction sites,” [both at home and on the street]. (31) [Unfortunately], children are less expensive and easier to control than adults. (Parker et al. 53) Children [rummage] through trash and gutters for rag pieces to sell and [shining shoes too. Young children desperately cry and beg]. (Parker et al. 33) Being a slave is like bonded labor, you aren’t free to leave your workspace. “When the child’s work is [gruesome], it kills the child’s body and loses his or her spirit, working too many hours and [also young of an age] to be a part of those [terrible] conditions.” (Parker et al. 24) A quote from nine year named Satnull, who’s rescued from a circus touring company voices, “We are reduced to the level of the horses, bears, and other animals, who dance to the tune of the ringmaster of this circus company. You just can’t imagine the fright and helplessness we experience when we

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