Still Separate Still Unequal Analysis

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Throughout my English 102 service learning class I was presented with invaluable information from the readings, and by means of direct interaction with the students, teachers, and their environment. Our class was assigned to help volunteer at a local elementary school named Allen Elementary. I was able to experience and learn countless details about the children who attend the school. I found extremely useful information in the assigned essays, but I also found that many of them did not directly pertain to the students and instructors at Allen. In my estimation Allen Elementary is providing students with incredible opportunities to learn, create a strong sense of self-esteem, and to feel as though they are worthy in this world. In the essay…show more content…
There are numerous studies that identify many blacks are still living in poverty or low-income neighborhoods. I do believe that this is still happening today, and I feel that this is something that may never vanish. When at Allen Elementary I noticed that over 50% of the children are African American, and that there are a small percentage of children who are white. According to the essay; the schools that are in the less fortunate neighborhoods are not receiving outstanding education. I do feel that this is still occurring, but that it has decreased over time. At Allen I submit that the students are receiving the same or even better education than I received when I was their age. I felt that this reading was misleading and was not helpful to prepare me for my experience at Allen Elementary. It provided me false information, by stating that the school would treat the children like they are not receiving a quality…show more content…
I felt that reading this essay was very true about our world today. We do act like nothing is wrong in our world, we do not speak about certain topics because it can cause awkward situations, or people simply do not want to admit to these mistakes. When going to the elementary school I felt that these situations were not as prevalent. The teachers treated the children well and did not treat them like they were criminals or poor. Despite the fact that some of the families have a hard time putting a meal on the table, the school understands this and they help to provide at least two meals a day for the children. The essay states the people who are wealthy receive a better education; this can be true because the family could hire a tutor for the child and the parents who do not have as much money would not be able to do that. Allen allows certain students to stay afterschool and receive private tutoring for the students who need extra assistance. The people who providing these services are strictly volunteers and the parents do not have to pay for the

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