Why Does Shakespeare Present Lady Macbeth's Fatal Decisions?

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How Does Shakespeare demonstrate Lady Macbeth's part in his fatal decision? Macbeth is a dramatic tragedy written by William Shakespeare, that is believed to have been written between 1600's. Macbeth received a prophecy from three witches that one day he will become a King, so he wrote a letter to his wife announcing that he meets three witches who told him this prophecy. As Shakespeare's characters go beyond good and evil, In Macbeth, we find that Lady Macbeth is the ''key motivation'' to the Lord of Glamis to commit the murders, which helps her get the titles that the predictions of the witches had predecided. All through the play, Lady Macbeth utilizes her capacity to misdirect others from various perspectives. F In act 1 scene 5, shows that Lady Macbeth is a very manipulative woman who gets consumed by the ambition based on what her husband told her about the meeting with three witches who talked to him about a prophecy she started planning to kill King Duncan who was the King of Scotland, so her husband achieves the throne by himself.…show more content…
Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeth as a force to create the tragic part in an action. Shakespeare uses literary devices to express easily the originality of his thoughts. ''That I may pour spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valor of my tongue'' These '' spirits'' are a personification of her thoughts and her soul. It also tells us that Lady Macbeth is whispering evil plans. Shakespeare showed that he recognized the energy and women's aspirations in conflict with the isolation that they had hoped t in an era denominated very male (war

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