Stationery: Drawing Instruments

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Stationery: Drawing Instruments Drawing is a form of visual art which makes use of instruments like brushes, water colors, crayons etc. These instruments are widely available nowadays which have made drawing one of the common artistic activity to effectively communicate ideas visually. Depending on the use and how the instruments have developed over time, the drawing instruments can be named as follows: • Graphite Pencils • Pen and Ink • Inked Brushes • Wax Color • Pencils • Crayons • Charcoal • Chalk • Pastels • Markers • Styluses • Various Metals (such as silverpoint). Evolution Drawing has been used as a form of communication, as a form of art and as a form of external from the art. The drawing instruments that have been used…show more content…
An Italian painter Tintoretto (1500-1600) who is really famous used to capture his models quickly and easily with the charcoal pencil that had adaptable features. Charcoal was widely used in the preparatory sketches for portraits in the earlier times. During the 17th century, Dutch painter Paulus potter (1625-54), and the great draftsmen, such as Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), Kathe Kollwitz (1867-1945), Ernst Barlach (1870-1938) and Edgar Degas (1834-1917), are among the few who were proficient in the early styles of drawings. The charcoal pencils that are dipped in linseed oil also known as oiled charcoal gave a better adhesion and a deeper black. The artists preferred it but it had its own shortcomings and that was the correction became difficult. The charcoal crayons always left a steak of brown color alongside the lines. Chalks have been considered as an equally important drawing medium. Stone Chalk has become more popular in drawing since the beginning of the 16th century. The Dutch, have used the chalk for the purpose of landscape drawings apart from portrait…show more content…
It offers a wider range of artistic possibilities. During the 20th century, quill pens were replaced by the metal pens. The most common form of liquid dye available nowadays are Inks. India Ink that has a source of carbon is a thick black fluid stays for a longer time by preserving its dark tone. It was best used on a tinted paper by the German and the Dutch draftsmen. In the field of pen drawings, India Ink has been the most popular type since the 19th century. Drawing with a brush, the brush is ideal for applying pigments to a flat surface (painting). It has also been used in the pre historic times for painting. It played a major role in landscape drawings. The advantages of the application of brushes were that it offered a complete spectrum of spatial depth and by tinting of varying intensity, it was the most preferred. Pen and Brush is a unique combination that can be found in the form of drawing instruments. The pen delineated the contours that denoted the object on the canvas and the brush provided spatial and color values. Manuscript illumination shows the application of this kind of combination in which the shapes were drawn in pen and inner was filled with color using the

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