Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby And The Great Betrayal By Ben Macintyre

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A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal by Ben Macintyre, is a nonfiction book about the secret double life of Kim Philby. Through the dangerous adventures of some of the greatest spies in history, Ben Macintyre shows us how truly rare loyalty is and those who you trust the most could easily be stabbing you in the back. Harold Philby, most commonly known as “Kim” Philby, is one of the greatest spies in history. Philby went to an English boarding school, where he revived and excellent education and strengthened his social skills. He was intelligent, confident, and determined, and many people worshipped him. Because of his desirable charm, Kim Phillby easily made friends. One of his best friends and colleague was Nicholas Eliott. Nicholas Eliott and Kim Philby were both spies in M16, a group of British…show more content…
Kim Phillby was a loyal spy for the Soviet government for 8 years. He was a communist and led a double life in order to share the secrets of the British government during the war. Kim Phillby’s life involved a lot of lying and deception. Kim Philby was one of the Cambridge double agents, which included Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt. They gave the Soviet Union all the information they collected. When Maclean was found out to be a secret spy for the Soviet Union, people became suspicious of Philly due to his close ties with Maclean, but Nicholas Eliott and the rest of M16 defended Kim Philly and was able to return to British Intelligence. Eventually in 1962, there was enough evidence to prove that Kim Phillby was a double agent, but Nicholas Elliott did not believe that his best friend was really a Communist spy until after Phillby finally confessed. Instead of turning him into the British authorities after meeting up with him, Nicholas Elliott decided to let him escape. Kim Phillby had to spend the rest of his life in

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