Spread Rumors Research Paper

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Why We Spread Rumors The rumor that the world is run by an all-powerful organization known as the Illuminate has been around since early 1776. In that time there was an actual organization under the same name whose goals were to end the abuse of the power of the state, and the religious influence over the public. While loose talk of the secret organization made the Illuminates name common knowledge by 1785, governments soon banned all secret societies. Despite this many do believe that the illuminate has survived all of this time, and is responsible for many of the tragedies we know today. Everywhere we go today we can see the grand scale of this rumor, it is mentioned everywhere whether it be Youtube, Facebook, movies, or even books. It is…show more content…
Whether you believe that the Illuminati is working “behind the scenes” or not, it is hard not to hear about these rumors, although we can easily dismiss them. It is entertaining to see someone else’s radical side of an event and compare it to your own ideas on the same subject. For example, while the illuminati rumor of the JFK assassination might seem extreme to someone who has happened to come across it, they could easily dismiss the idea and move on, while to the theorist who comprised it sees it as truth, Nicholas DiFonzo, a Professor of Psychology at Rochester Institute of Technology, describes rumors as," Rumors are unverified information statements that circulate about topics that people perceive as important; arise in situations of ambiguity, threat, or potential threat; and are used by people attempting to make sense or to manage risk," the JFK rumor could have easily surfaced because of the fear of national security at the time, or that the information given was that one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, was able to assassinate the president acting alone. People can also find entertainment by getting lost in these ideas that people have created, and if you feel passionate about one side or another people can find entertainment in engaging in discussion with someone on the subject. By reading these rumors it provides us a safe to view into someone else mind as we read their thoughts on…show more content…
Although there is no rumor until there is a public to hear it, it is not until one hears a rumor and takes it apart in their mind and either agrees or disagrees with it is when an idea becomes a rumor. While this rumor is most likely first heard from an untrusted source such as the internet, unlike other rumors that we unquestionably perceive as truth because we hear them from trusted friends or family or even the media that we believe to be truthful, many people are able to take these ideas apart and still believe in this rumors validity. When we hear a rumor off the internet we don’t necessarily trust it at first because we don’t know who the author is or how credible he is. This rumor for example could have been started by someone who has done their research and has put in the time to try and piece together to create this rumor as believable as possible to benefit their readers or it could just as easily an adolescent who’s intention is to entertain himself by spreading this rumor

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