Spiritual Attack Research Paper

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When You're Under a Spiritual Attack Are spiritual attacks real or imaginary? I'll answer that with a question: Is air actual or make-believe? There are things we may never touch but the effects of the same are undeniable. I have experienced spiritual attacks and although I don't look forward to any more, I cannot be certain they won't happen again. A Christian's life is a battle field. When you become a follower of Christ, you essentially enlist for the Lord's Army. You don't go out looking for war, instead it just finds you. Although this happens, you can expect victory all the time. Recently, my sister sent me a message on spiritual attacks - she was not aware that I had been experiencing this for a few months now. What is funny is that the morning I received her text, God had just pulled me out of what I'll call "a major despondency phase" that had been going on for a long time.…show more content…
On several occasions she would appear to me singing or telling me things - incidentally, not evil things, but the normal stuff I knew about her life and principals. (Here, I just want to tell you that if you ever see the dead appear to you, as a Christian, your responsibility is to rebuke that demon, which has taken on a familiar form.) After this, I began noticing a change in my spiritual

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