Socs And Greasers In S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders

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In the novel The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton uses a wide range of examples to explain the differences between the Soc’s and the Greasers. The audience is shown that there are many disadvantages to being a Greaser, but are also shown the positive aspects. There is a tension between the Socs and Greasers because of the social status. The only thing that makes them different is the place they live and how much money their parents/guardians make. This affects their whole life, but the Greasers have learned change after the ending. The audience has a final understanding of the tension change as a result of the narrator (Ponyboy)’s final experience with the Socs due to the Rumble. The Socs ran away, showing that the Greasers won and wouldn’t be bothered by them anymore. One can come to the realization that this victory was the trigger to the end of the novel, which changed the group’s life forever. Earlier in the novel, Cherry Valance tells…show more content…
She talks about issues that all teenagers go through, although she may have not experienced them. According to the article “The Teen-Ager Speaks”, Hinton herself said: “Adults who let small children watch hours of violence . . . on TV, scream their heads off when a book written for children contains a fist fight. . . . Only when violence is for a sensational effect should it be objected to in books for teen-agers.” This shows how she depicts teenagers as having a high tolerance to exposure to violence, and if it has meaning, such as in The Outsiders, it will leave a strong impact on the reader, no matter what the age group is. They are learning lessons from this book that will make them realize that sometimes violence is needed to prove a point. She is proving that things are rough all over, as Cherry said to Pony, because no matter what the group may be, violent or not, there is going to be a battle going on

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