Social Construction Of Identity

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The revolution of information technology and the restructure of capitalism have created a new form of society (Castells, 1997). According to the sociologist Manuel Castells “a network society is a society whose social structure is made of networks powered by microelectronics-based information and communication technology. By social structure, I understand the organizational arrangements of humans in relation to production, consumption, reproduction, experience, and power expressed in meaningful communication coded by culture. A network is a set of interconnected nodes (connection points). Nodes may be of varying relevance to the network” (Castells, 2004, p3). In this paper I will argue that although religion and socio-economic effects remain…show more content…
Castells claims that the “social construction of identity always takes place in a context marked by power relationships” (Castells, 2010b, p.7.). Castells outlines three forms of identity building, two of them I will discuss. The first one is called “legitimizing identity”(Castells, 2010b, p8.) Legitimizing identity creates a civil society, which is a set of institutions and organizations and a series of organized and structured social actors. These actors reproduce an identity of structural domination, which is not always positive domination, such as nationalism and other aggressive forms of society (Castells, 2010b, pp. 8-9). The second form of identity building is “resistance identity” (Castells, 2010b, p.8). This important type of identity building leads to the formation of communities and is paramount for a society. When for instance nationalism rises as a legitimizing identity, and some form of fundamentalism is excluding people from society, a defensive identity (in this case resistance identity) will emerge (Castells, 2010b, pp. 8-9). If the resistance identity arises, the legitimizing identity disappears, however this will make resistance identity dominant, what will eventually lead to a clash of…show more content…
Huntington, the identity of civilization will become more important in the future (Huntington, 1993, p.22). The world will be formed by the interaction of seven or eight large civilizations. These are, among others, Western, African, Islamic, Slavic-Orthodox and Japanese (Huntington, 1993, n.p.). Huntingon states that “the most important conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural fault lines separating these civilizations from one another” (Huntington, 1993, n.p.) Why these civilizations will clash is, according to Huntington, because of the different views these civilizations have regarding, marriage, God and man, the role of women and equality (Huntington, 1993, n.p.). In addition, economic modernization and social change will separate people from their local identities. Huntington also states that the world is becoming smaller, thus civilizations will interact more, what inevitable leads to clashes (Huntington, 1993, p.26). Huntingon argues that the cultural division between “Western Christianity” and “Orthodox Christianity and Islam” is the new fault line for conflict and this clash of civilizations will dominate global politics (Huntington, 1993, p.

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