Skeletal System Research Paper

644 Words3 Pages
The Skeletal System protects the organs, provides support, blood cell production, storage of minerals, and serve as leverage to muscles for mobility. Bone is living tissue which through continual renewal, keeps the skeletal system in a growing and developing state. There are three bone cells that are involved in the growth and development of bones: osteocytes (mature bone cells), osteoblasts (bone formation), and osteoclasts (bone resorption/breakdown). The bones are classified by their bone markings, shape, and internal tissues. There are six bone shapes: short, long, irregular, flat, and sesamoid. Osseous tissue is dense and supportive connective tissue, the solid matrix contains calcium salts and bone cells in lacunae formed around blood…show more content…
It is identified in autosomal dominant genes, autosomal recessive genes and X-linked genes. Autosomal dominant osteopetrosis (ADO) is the most common and is on a mild level where the individual has no symptoms but suffers bone fractures, scoliosis, and osteomyelitis which is a bone infection. The autosomal dominant pattern is affected by the modification of the CLCN7 gene in each cell that can trigger the disease. Autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) is the more severe disorder mode which due to dense skull bones, causes visual and audial impairments. ARO debilitates bone marrow, thus preventing the production of blood and immune system cells. TCIRG1 is the mutated gene that causes the autosomal recessive disorder. The least common inheritance is the X-linked disorder, it causes swelling due to a buildup of fluid (lymphedema), it affects the hair, skin, sweat glands, and experiences immunodeficiency, thus allowing smooth access to infections. This mode of osteopetrosis is the mutation of the IKBKG gene. These diseases can be diagnosed through MRIs, CAT scans, vision tests, and blood work. Children who are severely impacted could receive bone marrow transfusions as well as being provided with calcitriol for the stimulation of osteoclasts, thus reducing bone…show more content…
Children need plenty of Vitamin D for the full growth and development of their bones. Vitamin D can be acquired through diet and exposure to sunlight. Many individuals do not consume nutrients that have the recommended amount of Vitamin D needed for the body. These individuals have to rely on the exposure of sunlight to access this nutrient. Individuals who have an abundance of melanin and have darker skin tones all over the world, added to the temperate climates all around the world and a deficiency in calcium, lead to having a Vitamin D deficiency which weakens their bones (Holik, Chen, 2008, p. 3). The diffusion of UVB radiation taken in by the skin, produces natural vitamin D3, meaning that individuals who live near the equator have a lesser chance of being vitamin D deficient and having fragile bones. Individuals who are not adequately exposed to sunlight, can intake vitamin D rich foods which include salmon, oils of fish, and

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