A Rhetorical Analysis Of Alexander Liholiho's Speech

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The day that Alexander Liholiho gave his speech to ascend to the throne was a memorable day. In this speech it portrays King Kamehameha III as a great ruler and that will never be forgotten. The majority of the speech emphasizes what he will do for the people and one paragraph is dedicated to praising the late king, Kamehameha III. The purpose of his speech would be to inform the people of the Hawaiian Island of how he would rule. Liholiho uses pathos in his speech because he addresses a specific group of people which is the citizens of the Hawaiian Islands. He talked about how great of a ruler the previous king was and said that he will be always be remembered which targeted the people who loved King Kamehameha III and thought highly of him. The beginning of the speech is Liholiho taking the oath and saying that he is aware of the responsibilities that are now bestowed upon him. Liholiho acknowledges that the previous king, Kamehameha III, was a great ruler and that he will always be remembered. In his speech “The good, the generous, the kind hearted Kamehameha is now no more. Our great Chief has fallen! But though dead he still lives. He lives in the hearts of his people! He lives in the liberal, the just, and the beneficent measures which it…show more content…
He is welcome to our shores—welcome so long as he comes with the laudable motive of promoting his own interests and at the same time respecting those of his neighbor. But if he comes here with no more exalted motive than that of building up his own interests at the expense of the native—to seek our confidence only to betray it—with no higher ambition than that of overthrowing our Government, and introducing anarchy, confusion and bloodshed—then is he most unwelcome!” (King Kamehameha IV, 1855) In this section of the speech he is using pathos because it talking to a specific group, he is talking about how he will treat foreigners fairly if they show them respect as

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