Sir Gawain's Struggles

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Gawain: the Golden Star of the Pentangle Sir Gawain embodied all the characteristics of a great knight. He lived by the five sets of five, which made up the pentangle. The five sets of five consist of, physical perfection, bravery in battle, faith in Christ, loyalty to your religion, and chivalry. Gawain was truly the only knight that could accept the challenge from the Green Knight, because his commitment to the five sets of five was greater than any other knight’s. Gawain had to put himself through days of the blistering cold and other aspects of the elements. This could not have been accomplished if he was not in perfect physical shape, “Here he scrapes with serpents and snarling wolves, here he tangles with wodwos causing trouble in the…show more content…
This code consists of five core beliefs; friendship, fraternity among men, purity, politeness, and pity. Gawain displayed how great of a friend he was when he volunteered to play the beheading game instead of Author. You could argue that he did this because he was doing his knightly duty; however, there were many other great knights in the hall at that time that could have volunteered. Gawain was a member of the round table, the best collection of knights ever assembled. There was no doubt that he was committed to his fellow knights, and wanted the best for the Kingdom. He maintained his purity while at the same time remaining polite, when he dealt with Bertilak’s lady. The first time Bertilak’s wife attempts to seduce Gawain he delivered a response that declined her invitation as well as not humiliating her. He said “… such gracious flattery, though in true I’m not now such a noble knight. I don’t dare to receive respect you describe and in no way warrant such worthy words” (212 Line 1241-1244). If he had accepted her invitation he would have been breaking his code by betraying his friendship with Bertilak and by failing to remain pure. However, had he acted in any manner that would have humiliated Bertilak’s wife he would have broken his code. He would have been impolite to a woman, which is one of the most important aspects of chivalry. His commitment to the code of chivalry guided him to handle this situation

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