Pioneer Jupiter Project Research Paper

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In the early 1960s, Ames Research Center, in conjunction with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) started the Pioneer Jupiter Project. The primary objectives of this project were to explore the environments of Jupiter and Saturn, collect data regarding the outer heliosphere, and to investigate the nature of the asteroid belt that is located between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. In order to accomplish these objectives, two spacecraft were built. Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, as they were named, were launched from the Earth on March 2, 1972 and March 3, 1973, respectively (Dyal 373). There have been other Pioneer missions, but none are as important as ones of Pioneer 10 and 11. With a very similar objective of exploring the…show more content…
In the photo, which has since been titled the “Pale Blue Dot,” Earth is illustrated as an extremely tiny, bluish-white dot in the middle of a brown band of light (Alles 6). All that surrounds the band of light is the total, deep darkness of space, which truly portrays how small the Earth is in comparison to this vast universe (and beyond). In addition, Voyager 1 recently dipped below Saturn’s south pole and was flipped out of the solar system’s ecliptic plane into interstellar space, which makes it the farthest man-made object from the Earth (Weisman 324). Not long ago, Pioneer 10 escaped the solar system as well. These incidents are crucial reminders to mankind that there is much more to outer space than will ever be known or discovered, and, in perspective, the Earth is an insignificant small speck of blue in a vast sea of…show more content…
Professor Ferris discusses the music on the record on Voyager 2, a spacecraft that was launched into outer space more than 30 years ago. He describes the careful selection process of the 27 pieces that were put on the record and the importance of each piece, or “why” of their selection. Professor Ferris only spoke positively of the music selection and voiced his personal opinion as to why the music selected was chosen, which could be considered bias. This radio broadcast (or script) is on an interesting subject that would fascinate people of all ages—some language used is a bit advanced, though, so kids might not understand all of it. This source is very useful because it supports the fact that the Voyager spacecraft are important because they are decorated with technology and artwork that is meant to express human life if ever discovered by extraterrestrial

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