Single Exercise Results

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With large amounts of research supporting the conclusion that single exercise sessions improves the cognitive function in adults instantly after completing the exercise, Dave Ellemberg and Mathilde St-Louis-Deschenes (2010) conducted a study to see if children whose brains are still developing, would cognitively benefit as well and if their age influences the effect. The study looked at seventy-two boys. Of the seventy-two, thirty-six were seven years of age, and the other thirty-six were 10 years of age. All of the boys completed both a simple reaction and choice response time task. In the simple reaction time task, participants pressed a key when they saw the shape on the screen. In the choice response task they had to press one key if the…show more content…
The results obtained by Ellemberg and St-Louis-Deschenes was that the children who exercised were able to respond on average 34 milliseconds faster on the simple reaction time test. For the choice time task, they averaged 75 milliseconds faster than the students who only watched the television. This increase in the choice response tasks supports their hypothesis that exercise does play a role in a child’s cognitive functioning. The study’s findings however, showed the accuracy in responses was not affected by exercise as the students’ accuracy scores stayed the same between their baseline and time task tests post exercise. This result led the researchers’ to say that more research needs to be done to determine that the accuracy not being affected is a result of exercise not improving cognitive function or if the data is implementing that cognitive function did improve because the students response speed increased, accuracy was not affected negatively. More research also would need to done to support their hypothesis, as only one gender was analyzed during this…show more content…
Their studies on the brain prior to completing the study found “exercise almost immediately elevates dopamine and nor-epinephrine…to still the impulsivity and still the cravings for immediate gratification as it works to wake up the executive function of the frontal cortex” (2013). The study was to determine if this is valid in the case of students with Attention Deficit-Hyperactive Disorder. Their study contained 84 subjects who were students aged eleven to sixteen. Ahmed and Mohamed split the subjects into two groups, an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received forty minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week for ten weeks. In order to assess the effect of the exercise between the groups Attention Deficit-Hyperactive Disorder symptoms, a twenty-five question Behavior Rating Scale was used. The scale conducted before and after by the students’ teachers looked to analysis smaller specific behaviors such as: attention, task orientation, motor skills, emotional/oppositional behavior, and academic behavior in the classroom setting. The results of the study concluded that students who participated in the exercise program significantly improved in their behavior tested by the Behavior Rating

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