Simone De Beauvoir

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Simone De Beauvoir was born in Paris, France and raised through childhood and adolescence to be an upper middle class housewife. A life she may very well have accepted, if her father had not lost his fortune to produce a dowry for her to be wed. With a less certain future, she pursued a higher education for herself, and become one of the most imperative women philosophers of her time. In Simone De Beauvoir’s “Introduction to the Second Sex”, she makes the argument that men both represent the positive and the neutral, leaving women to only represent the negative. De Beauvoir’s claim stands correct today; women continue to represent the negative gender role in society. De Beauvoir claims man being the operative word “as indicated by the common…show more content…
I am a woman, I am a sister, I am a daughter; I have relatives that are men, and I show my worth through proving my relations. Men acquire better jobs, move up quickly and stay in positions like CEO, and women might be given a chance, but there are too many characteristics about women that create a worse employee. Women in careers are easier to stigmatize. She will most likely be a mother soon, she is too emotional/passive/agreeable. Who wouldn’t want a strong, heroic, logical man working for them instead? Stereotypes such as these are what hinder women. [It would help here to include statistics that support your claim, rather than base the argument on observation] The plight of women in Western society has softened significantly compared to strife of women in more gender oppressive societies, resulting in a stigma associated with the term Feminist in the West. Western women have greatly progressed, and efforts ought to be realigned to advance less fortunate women’s movements. Marital rape only became a law recently, and most of the victims were women in abusive marriages. [Although I edited this paragraph, I don’t really see how it supports your central thesis that women are the lesser sex – does this paragraph suggest that the laws do not recognize them and therefor lesser? I’m…show more content…
[Earlier you said these were unfair stereotypes and now you claim they’re valid?] I think it is best said by Marsha Lederman,” Being a woman…adds an extra layer of fun. As any woman knows, being female is the low-hanging fruit of insults…” to be deemed the lesser sex, it is simple to be attacked. What can you scrutinize a man for that isn’t situational? He could be a terrible father, but a prodigious business man or a wonderful father with no career. For men, it is easier to make excuses; he is just not into kids, or that he is a feminist and wish for her to work, it is easy to look past a man’s shortcomings and celebrate his

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