Similarities Between Salem Witch Trials And Hysteria

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The hysteria surrounding the Salem Witch Trials and the possibility of slave revolts are very similar and very different in many ways. One way they are the same is both had several deaths to try to control the situation. Another similarity is that both spread like a wildfire. Both the Salem Witch Trials and the fear of slave revolts lead to sometimes innocent people confessing to crimes and giving up other innocent people to save their lives. The difference between these two events is that there was a hesitation to killing a slave. A second difference is that with slaves the masters did not just kill them if they thought they were going to revolt, where the puritans attacked anyone accused of being a witch. There are many similarities and difference…show more content…
You could either tell the people of other witches and not be killed or you could keep quiet and most likely be killed. Many innocent people confess to being a witch and gave up friends and family, who were also innocent, so they could live. During the time of the Slave Revolt Hysteria if you were accused of plotting to rebel you would also have two options. Be hung and plead innocent or plead guilty and give up the names of conspirators so they could be killed but you would have the chance to live. In both cases, the Salem Witch Trials and the Slave Revolt Hysteria, normally innocent people were accused and had to lie and say other people were involved just to save their own life. In summation another way the the Slave Revolt Hysteria and the Salem Witch Trials were similar is that when accused you had two options; to plead guilty and give names of other people conspiring with you or tell the truth that you are innocent and be put to…show more content…
A salve was a free worker that required little resources. This free labor that needed low resources was very valuable to plantation owners. Slaves were bought and sold for high prices because of this fact. So if you killed a slave you would be losing money and then you would also have to go through the process of buying a new one to replace the now dead one so that production would not slow down. This was very unfavorable to slave masters. When it came to the trials the people of Salem had no value for the people they killed. The only ties they had were socially. So if your neighbor was accused of being a witch and hung you would not be losing a money. In the case of the Salem Witch Trials and the Slave Revolt Hysteria a major difference was the masters were more hesitant to kill their slaves because they were valuable; where the people of Salem almost craved putting ‘witches’ to

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