Sime Darby And Chevron Case Study

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Policies between Sime Darby and Chevron Accuracy of Financial Information Sime Darby stated that accounting records is very crucial thing in their organization to creating a report, so the record must obey to the principles also laws and regulations as their created. As the Group relies on accounting records to produce reports, you must ensure that all business records and documents are prepared accurately, reliably and in a timely manner. Financial records also essential to the company decision making processes and the proper financial, legal and reporting obligations. • Falsification of financial or any other records or misrepresentation of information may constitute fraud and can result in civil and criminal liabilities for Directors,…show more content…
They include both the Company’s paper and electronic records and also the systems that store, process or transmit Company information. Chevron’s intellectual property, which includes the Company’s trade secrets, patents, trademarks and copyrighted material, is also a key Chevron information asset. Proper Access and Use Chevron policies safeguard our information assets against theft, unauthorized disclosure, misuse, trespass and careless handling. At times we may be authorized, by local management, to view and handle particular information assets. Typical examples might include taking your assigned Company notebook computer or mobile device home or being granted access to specific computer systems or information. Employees unsure of their authority should discuss this subject with local management for clarification. Improper handling of information may be grounds for disciplinary action, including termination. Examples of improper handling include unauthorized viewing, copying, distributing, removing from the premises, damaging and altering of information. Handling Sensitive or Proprietary…show more content…
Having independent verifications and approvals. vi. Fostering adequate segregation of duties and avoiding any conflict of interest. vii. Be alert for any indication of fraud, misappropriation and other irregularities. d) If an employee requires further clarification or views any policies and procedures to be inappropriate or outdated, they may discuss their concerns with their Manager. ii. Fraud and Ethics Line All employees are responsible for the detection and prevention of fraud, misappropriation and other irregularities. Hence, all employees have a responsibility not only to act honestly but also to report any instances of possible fraud, corruption, misappropriation or other irregularities to Ethics Line which is managed by the Vice President, Group Corporate Assurance. The following are a few examples of fraud acts, misappropriation or other irregularities: • Theft, dishonesty or fraud in connection with the business or property of the Company, vendors/suppliers, company visitors or fellow employees • Breach of any of the Company’s rules, regulations, policies and/or procedures • Falsifying the Company’s records • Improper discussion or release of Company’s confidential

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