Significant Presence In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Irrelevant characters can, in fact, have a significant presence. In his play Hamlet, Shakespeare invites the audience to exhibit the detrimental effect of vengeance. Prince Hamlet was an individual that had an ordinary life, but when he was confronted by the ghost, his persona is negatively altered. After the ghost reveals the truth, the theme of the play can be identified. Although the ghost briefly appears, his presence has a crucial role in the play. Throughout the play, the ghost helps generate a theme of vengeance and alters the characteristics of various characters. A way in which the ghost affects the theme of the play is by revealing the truth about King Claudius. In Scene 5, Hamlet confronts the ghost where the truth of his father’s death is revealed. The ghost states,” revenge his foul soul and most unnatural murder… Ay, that incestuous” (Shakespeare Act 1: 31-32). Hamlet was appalled; in addition, he is mortified that his mother is married to a murderer and that Denmark is under the authority of a traitor. This confrontation with the ghost was Hamlets watershed event in which he now seeks…show more content…
As the play progresses, Hamlet is slowly deteriorating his relationship with his loved ones because he is solely focusing on avenging his father. His love towards both his mother and Ophelia is no longer absolute. Also, the ghost has an indirect affect toward characters; for example, Ophelia and Laertes. In scene 4, Hamlets paranoia results in the death of Polonius. This affects the persona of both Ophelia and Laertes. Ophelia begins to suffer in depression and Laertes adopts an attitude similar to Hamlet where he, too, seeks to avenge his father. He states,” And so I have a noble father lost, A sister driven into desperate terms…but my revenge will come” (Shakespeare Act 4: 120). The ghost affects the characters actions and attitude, even if its presence is

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