The Insanity Of The Ghost In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Throughout the entirety of Hamlet the ghost of King Hamlet is an entity which seems to elude both the reader and Hamlet himself. Many readers ponder the question of whether or not the ghost is a figment of Hamlet’s imagination or if Shakespeare intended the ghost to be an actual entity in the play that does not merely dwell in the mind of Hamlet. Various sources of evidence within the play itself appear at a first glance to support the idea that because the ghost only speaks to Hamlet that he has been driven to the point of insanity by the events which have recently unfolded around him. However, through a more profound analysis of these components in the play, the evidence legitimately shows that Hamlet was in fact completely sane and that…show more content…
Shortly after the ghost disappears Horatio mentions that the appearance of the ghost is something to worry about and gives the example of how “A little ere the mightiest Julius fell, the graves stood tenantless and the sheeted dead did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets” (1.1.114-116). At this point, Horatio is confirming that the appearance of supernatural beings and events are indicators that disorder and unbalance are to come in the near…show more content…
For example, in the scenes previous to Scene V, confrontations with the ghost occur with a group of people other than Hamlet, who Horatio believes the ghost will not respond to (he believes the ghost will only speak to Hamlet). In Scene V however, Hamlet is alone with the ghost of his father. This change in environment seems to spark a change in the ghost because it is under these conditions that the ghost speaks for the first time throughout the play. As previously mentioned, Horatio believes that Hamlet may be in a sense “crazy”. Therefore the credibility of Hamlet’s conversations with the ghost becomes questionable. The major question this situation proposes is whether or not Hamlet is conjuring the words that he believes the ghost is speaking in his depressed and desperate state of mind, or if the ghost is truly speaking solely to Hamlet. It is important to note that during this conversation Hamlet acquires detailed information from the ghost, information that only two people in the play would know, Claudius and the deceased King Hamlet (Kikuchi 110). The only other instance in the play where the ghost is found speaking amongst people other than Hamlet is in Act III Scene IV after Hamlet stabs Polonius who was hiding behind a tapestry in his mother’s bedroom. Shortly after Hamlet ridicules his mother

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