Should To Kill A Mockingbird Be Taught In Schools

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In, To Kill a Mockingbird the reader learns about a small southern town where a court case has brought the attention of the population of Maycomb County. Throughout the book you learn lessons about life, respect, and much more. To Kill A Mockingbird should still be taught in schools as it teaches many quality and important life lessons about respect. It also teaches the reader about morals, prejudice, and how stereotypes aren’t always correct. Many other people would often say that To Kill A Mockingbird should no longer be taught in the school environment because it no longer “relates to the reader.” Although that may be true in some aspects, there are many other things that can be taught from this book. It is true that the strong language used may be offensive to some readers. Also, the content of the book is believed to be inappropriate in a school environment because of the language and content. Admittedly, the book may be…show more content…
To Kill A Mockingbird teaches the reader about respect and morals. Throughout the unraveling of the story, Atticus tries to teach Scout about respect without her necessarily noticing it. During the book, you also learn about prejudice and stereotypes. Through the entire book you always come across the idea of stereotypes and prejudice. The white community of Maycomb County are very stereotypical people and believe that the blacks of Maycomb County are liars, terrible people, and typical of committing crimes. It also shows that the people of Maycomb County have shown prejudice just by believing all that because of the color of their skin. To Kill A Mockingbird should be taught in schools because of the contents and lessons inside this book. Although, people believe the content of this book is wrong to be teaching students they may not realize the life lessons hidden between the
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