Short Summary: In The Law Of Karma '

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Karma 1. Karma means an action, work or deed, that bring upon one self with unavoidable result, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation. 2. When you do something good with good intention, you created good Karma, when you do something bad with bad intention, you created bad Karma. 3. In the law of Karma, there are no “other people”, we are all the same as a whole, when you hurt someone, you are hurting yourself, when you are kind to someone, you are kind to yourself, and nothing can violate the law of Karma. 4. Westerners often think Karma means “fate” or some kind of cosmic justice system, in the term of Buddhism, the meaning of Karma is different. 5.Karma is a Sanskirt that mean “action”, Karma also have a Pali spelling “ Kamma”, but it mean the same thing.…show more content…
For many religions in India, karma seems very simple, the action in the past will influence the future. However, to Buddhists, Karma is much more complex, it act in multiple feedback loops, with the present moment shaped by both the past and present action. 7. Base on Karma, every thing happened for a reason. A person will experience good things because he did some thing good in the past, and that person will experience bad things because something bad he did in the past. 8. There is some controversy in Buddhism about the role of Karma. Buddha once stated that it is an error to determine every things base on Karma. 9. It is an error to determine every things with Karma because if a person is born with disabilities, base on Karma, that person deserve it, and it is the result of something bad he did in his pervious life. 10. The earliest known occurrence of the word karma appear in ancient Indian literature in Rigveda, and it is related to ritual or sacrificial

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