Shaka Senghor Themes

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From a heartbroken childhood, to bad choices, serious consequences, dashed hopes, faith, and never ending determination, Shaka Senghor manages to make his mess into a message. Detroit in the 1980s posed many problems for a child growing up without a strong family supporting him. He turns tragedies in his life, some of which lead to solitary confinement, into gaining motivation to free himself mentally, physically and spiritually. Shaka shares violent and explicit stories, in order to reach out to different audiences like teenagers, ex-offenders and many others to open their eyes because he has seen what living on the streets can do to people like them. In many ways throughout Writing My Wrongs, author Shaka Senghor, reaches out to vast audiences,…show more content…
Living with neglectful and abusive parents can turn a teenager’s life upside down. Shaka can even connect with many other audiences by this harsh and brutal story from his childhood, because not only kids who live in the city can be neglected or beaten by parents. Shaka connects home abuse to various audiences like older groups of people who have experienced this situation. Growing up Shaka lived an acknowledgeable life, because he was not always living on the street. He started out as an A plus student, living with both parents and with a loving family. Many prisoners did not have that growing up which lead to poor decision making. Shaka was an honor student and dreams of becoming a doctor were in his eyes. Shaka explains how that all went south when his parents split up and eventually got divorced. Shaka notes, “They would separate and then get back together, giving me a glimmer of hope that things would go back to how they used to be” (Senghor 21). This event directly affected the fate of the child with big dreams by having separated parents. Being abused and neglected at home Shaka thought the only way out of this mess was to run to the streets. This event in Shaka’s life changed him and what he thought the true meaning of a family and a…show more content…
But also, he is trying to prevent it from happening to kids trying to be cool and live the life he did for another reason. Shaka reminds the reader about the dark thoughts he had while in prison by noting “These were thoughts I didn’t want to face, so I pushed them deep down to the bottom of the rock that had become my heart” (Senghor 203). One of those thoughts or memories was at the age of seventeen Shaka was shot three times, while standing on the corner of his block. According to The New York Times, in 1988 six hundred and twenty nine people were murdered in the streets of Detroit. And just like that, one year later Shaka Senghor was almost added to this statistic. After he was rushed to the hospital by one of his friends he was released a few days later and what happened next affected Shaka greatly- it is not about what did happen but what did not happen. Shaka recalls memories of feeling very alone and having no one there for him when he gets back from the

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