Self Talk In Psychology

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Secondary Research: Self-Talk is the act of talking to your own self, whether out loud or mentally. Everyone engages in self-talk but it mostly depends on the way we do it. Does verbal conversation that people use to refer to the self during contemplation affect the way they act, feel and reason under stress and pressure? Scientists say that the right words can liberate us from stress and help us make the correct decisions. According to the article, “The voice of reason” in Psychology Today, psychologist Ethan Kross was driving down the road, he ran the red light. “Ethan why are you so stupid”, his internal voice said to him. In another situation, the famous basketball player, LeBron James recalls talking to himself while playing, “LeBron…show more content…
Psychiatrist Dr. Rob Dobrenski explains that schizophrenia isn’t about self talk; it’s about other people talking. People with schizophrenia hear voices that aren’t their own. Instead of hearing just their own voice guiding them in a systematic manner, they hear multiple voices in their head often contradicting with each other. This usually produces confusion, madness and hallucinations. Schizophrenia affects about one percent of the western population mostly between 15 and 25 years of age. It is improbable that self-talk is an indication of this disease. Instead studies show that healthy self conversations are a smart practice that leads to decision making, problem solving and boosting confidence. According to reporter, Jared Sandberg in his interview with Wall St journal, about 96% people engage in self-talk including himself. He said, “It’s decision making stuff, I exhort myself, I coach myself…show more content…
According to Herman’s internal conversation a person has two point of views are used to interact with each other the imaginary interlocutor listens to the person. The internal conversation is a distinct type of inner dialogical activity. This article focused on the varying level of intensity of functions performed by these four types.A child’s conversation with his imaginary friends is similar to the adult’s conversation with interlocutor. Watkins said that there is a relationship between these two phenomena. A study conducted by Harter and Chao was based on the types on imaginary friends children make during their childhood .this study is compatible with the types of interlocutors observed in adults .according to their study the girls make imaginary friends that are less competent than themselves whereas the boys make imaginary friends that are more competent than themselves .the girls imaginary friend can be referred as Helpless child and the boys imaginary friend can be referred as proud rival .Adults also encounter these two types that are helpless child and proud rival. If adults has conversation with helpless child it fulfills the function of self-improvement (how to elude mistakes in future) this leads to
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