Secondary Characters In Who Has Seen The Wind

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There are many factors and elements needed in order to form and complete a well-written novel, such as the use of dynamic and developed characters. A novel typically contains a protagonist, who is the leading character, and who plays a complex, and arguably the most important, role in a novel. The primary character guides readers through a story, and often supplies the central consciousness. However, in some instances, there are secondary characters in novels that debatably hold a role that is equally as important as that of primary characters. Secondary characters help reveal primary characters’ traits, and can often contribute to a main characters success or downfall. The novels Who Has Seen the Wind by W.O. Mitchell, and As For Me and My…show more content…
In W.O. Mitchell’s novel, Young Ben guides O’Connal from the beginning, and acts as his protector, which instills a positive psychological affect in O’Connal. This idea is seen as O’Connal lies to his teacher, Miss MacDonald, and promises that his hands are clean. In turn, Miss MacDnald forces O’Connal “[stand] with his arms up and the offending hands turned to the class” (Mitchell 120). He stands there for quite some time, but the punishment is eventually lifted. When O’Connal walks back to his seat, “he [feels his knees] melt under him; he [drops] to the floor” (Mitchell 121). As O’Connal falls, Young Ben races to him and “[stands] a moment with him in his arms, then [places] him gently in his seat” (Mitchell 122). The Young Ben stays around O’Connals house that night to make sure that he is not hurt, and O’Connal states that it is because “he wants to know [that I am] all right” (Mitchell 128). This event outlines that the Young Ben will go to any extent in order to protect someone he does not know well, allowing O’Connal to see people in a new light, which shapes his thoughts and helps him become more

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