Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin was written in 1894. The time period in which this story was written was the time that women did not really have much power or say in a situation. During this time, women’s opinions, desires, and feelings were never really heard or considered. Chopin had the courage to write about women’s freedom and choosing their own way of life. According to Per Seyersted, “Kate Chopin was never a feminist”. She never supported the organizations in which women fought to get rights equal to men. Chopin’s earliest stories were dedicated to “the three main types of women.” (Seyersted) “The Story of an Hour” was considered controversial in the late 19th century because it revolves around a female protagonist who feels joyful from the news of her dead husband. This story also represents negative views on marriage because it presents a woman that is elated about her husband’s death. Kate Chopin uses “The Story of an Hour” to show the social situations between a woman and her husband in the late 19th century.…show more content…
Most of the time marriage was more about financial support and social status. In this society, men would make the rules and women were often kept in a state of a servant (Syersted). Chopin suggests that all marriages are naturally overwhelming. “Kate Chopin was not a romantic” (Berkove) Marriage was not a concern to her, but she didn’t believe that it was desirable to live like Louise Mallard. Chopin points out that women had little to no rights during this time by the way she describes the main character. Louise’s first name is given to the readers only after her husband has died, the moment where Louise feels the most free. Before Brently had died, Louise was referred to as Mrs. Mallard or wife. By acquiring the “Mrs.” title during this time, women lost their identity and a part of themselves to assume a new
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