Second Great Awakening Research Paper

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The Second Great Awakening occurred in the early nineteenth century causing many changes politically and socially. The awakening ideology was based on romanticism which caused many reforms. The reforms had a significant amount of effects in the North of the United States but minimal changes in the South. The movement started to focus on matters that would lead to tension that was ignited by opposing views within the country. The Great Awakening was led by northerners who were anti-slavery, unlike the southerners who favored slavery. The south depended greatly on slaves economically, and they played a role in their social stature. Southern planters depended on slaves to work in the harsh conditions of the fields and harvesting. Because of the slaves providing low-cost labor, slaves made up a copious percentage of the…show more content…
The northerners viewed the southerners as villainous people in abolition newspapers which caused a great distaste for the southerners. “It is another maxim of experience, that such dealings with the erring should be in private, not in public. The moment a man is publicly rebuked, shame, anger, and pride of opinion, all combine to make him defend his practice, and refuse either to own himself wrong, or to cease from his evil ways.” This quote from Catherine E. Beecher’s book, An Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism, with Reference to the Duty of American Females , states that if a man of wrong doings were publically humiliated rather than chastised privately and in a personal matter then he will respond negatively and react in opposition. Southerners did not like the public humiliation and reacted bitterly to the accusations of their practice of slavery. The reaction caused a great divide between the north and the south. Because of the way the north tried to rid slavery from the country, the south had little impact from the Second Great

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