Santiago De Cuba Research Paper

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Quarter 1 Project Cities: The capital of Cuba is Havana. Havana is a coastal city located in the northeastern section of Cuba, at one of the most northern points of the island. Havana is a lively city with a busy shipping port, and the main economic city in Cuba. Havana is the biggest city in Cuba, with a rich history. Havana was founded in the early 1500’s by the Spanish after they had conquered and claimed the area. Because of the city’s key location, it became a popular launching and resupply location for caribbean expeditions and explorers. Later in time, Havana was the starting point of the Spanish-American war, when the U.S.S Maine was sunk in Havana bay. Havana is by far the largest city in Cuba with a population of over two million, then comes Santiago de Cuba at around 500,000 residents, and Camagüey and Holguín. Santiago de Cuba is located on the southeastern corner of the island and is a popular tourist destination because it was the birthplace of poet José María Heredia, and houses a museum of the Bacardí family art collection. Camagüey is on the eastern side of Cuba, in between the northern and southern coasts. Holguín is also an inland city, being farther southeast than Camagüey. Neither Holguín or Camagüey have anything exceptionally unique about them, other than they follow the typical city type of Cuba. Cuisine:…show more content…
For the most part, Cuban food is not intricate nor complicated, on the contrary it is simple food commonly eaten by the early day peasants. Basic Cuban cuisine uses basic spices, and sauteed or slow-cooks most of the items. For breakfast, the standard meal is toast and coffee with milk. Lunch will most likely consist of a turnover, empanadas, or more commonly a sandwich. Cuban bakeries are well known for their snacks, eaten just after lunch as well. Dinner will probably be a meat, served with rice or beans and possibly a salad.

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