Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

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In 1692, in the small village of Salem, Massachusetts,a horrible massive witch hunt began; fear and suspicion swept over this Puritan town. Puritans settled in Salem Village along with very few other religions at that time. The Puritans left England to escape religious discrimination. They believed in the total trust in God and the absolute "sinfulness" of man. In order to be allowed to vote or serve on a public board, you were required to be a church member. A small group of girls began who were borde thought it would be fun to go around accusing the townspeople of witchcraft.Sure enough the majority of the town believed these claims because the "threat of an attack by warring tribes created a fertile ground for fear and suspicion" (Roach,2004). Most of the victims that were accused were woman. If the accused victims did not confess to committing witchcraft it was more than likely that they would be put to death; hung. Most of the accused; however, were not emotionally equipped to defend themselves against a court and hysterical witnesses. This led over 40 persons confessing to being witches trying to avoid a painful death. Everyone waited for a trial to ocurr for a crime…show more content…
The first accused’s were the lower members of the society, Sarah Osborne, Sarah Good, and Tituba. Tituba confessed, and was sent to jail. Tituba was a slave, and was accused, because she was not important , and some people thought that she was an athiest. Ttuba confessed to seeing the devil stating when she saw the devil it appeared to her "sometimes like a hog and sometimes like a great dog." (Lawson,1692) Tituba also confessed that "a conspiracy of witches permeated Salem Village" ( Lawson,1692). Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne were hung because Sarah Good was homeless, and people thought that she was also a nonbeliever. Sarah Osborne was a widow, and she had stopped going to

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