Rules In The Odyssey

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Rules and regulations are something every human beings has to deal with. There are rules in religion, in politics, in schools, in everyday life. How you should act towards one another. Of all of the rules, there are usually a few that are more important. For instance, In Vizcaino’s study, he studies what basketball coaches taught their players, he came up with a rule that was taught the most during training season, they came up with dribbling. There are rules like this in history as well, For the romans, and the Greeks; the most well known in the Code of Chivalry for the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur created a system of respect and loyalty. From that time period, there came along literary works that help us to understand exactly what…show more content…
Looking at the background is very important. One specific text that can be identified is The Odyssey, which shows the characteristic of loyalty. Odysseus is constantly trying to get home to his wife. He strives toward the reunion with his wife. In The Iliad there is a definite sense of courage, when Achilles charges into battle, it can be related to when Arthur goes to battle as well. Both heroes know they will die, but they go anyway. The Aeneid is another fine text that shows chivalry. It shows chivalry in bravery as well, especially when Aeneas is trying to get out of the city with all of the people he was able to save, then the people have a loyalty to Aeneas that they would die for. Chivalry can be found in many…show more content…
To understand chivalry, you need more than one view of it. in Post’s article about the importance of different views he states, “If you don’t have different perspectives, you are going to probably make the wrong decisions.” (Post). So with that not, Beowulf is brought into light. Beowulf has chivalry because of the loyalty he shows his people. He is the leader and is expected to show the qualities of a leader. With that in mind, he slays the Grendel. He shows great courage as well, but his loyalty to his people is the impressive part of the story. He is striving throughout the whole novel to keep his people loyal to him. To do that, he needs to keep them
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