Romeo And Juliet And Elizabethan Women Essay

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How do the Elizabethan womens roles influence characters and their behavior? In the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, there are two main houses, the first one is the Montagues- Lord Montague, Lady Montague and Romeo Montague. The second house are the Capulets- Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet and Juliet Capulet. The two houses don’t like each other and one day Romeo accidentally gets invited to the Capulet’s ball with his friends. Romeo is at the ball, sees Juliet not knowing she's a Capulet and when their eyes met they fell in love. The next day without knowing each other they elope, three days later Juliet is supposed to marry a man named Paris. When her father told her she refused to marry him and Lord Capulet didn’t like her talking back so he slaps her. After that Juliet went to a church to see Friar Laurence…show more content…
Romeo didn’t know the plan and thought Juliet was really dead so he killed himself; she woke and saw him dead the killed herself. The characters either conform to or defy Elizabethan women’s roles.Juliet tries to stand up to her father, Lord Capulet. Juliet marries Romeo, the next day Lady Capulet goes to Juliet and tells her she is going to marry Paris. Juliet gets upset and tells her she won’t marry him, soon Lord Capulet comes in wondering if Juliet said yes. He gets very upset when he finds out she doesn’t want to marry him, he slaps her and raises his voice and says “I tell thee what-get thee to church a’ Thursday or never after look me in the face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me! My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blest that God had lent us but this only child; But now I see this one is one too much, and we have a curse in having her.” (III.v.162-168) Lord Capulet is saying that if Juliet doesn’t marry Paris he will put her on the streets, she can never talk or look him in the face again and that God gave the Capulets Juliet as a curse.Romeo defy’s Elizabethan women

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