Roman Fever By Edith Wharton

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“Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton, is a story about two middle-aged American women who have been friends since they met in Rome as young women. Ater both women have passed the mourning period of their husbands, the coincidentally meet each other on vacation in Rome. As they admire the view of the city, they reminisce about the old days and the effect the tale of Grace’s great-aunt had upon Alida. Alida reveals that she was jealous of Grace during those days, and played a cruel joke upon her. Although Alida reassures herself that she shouldn’t begrudge Grace her memories since she was the one who married Delphin, Grace reveals that Delphin gave her a daughter. Wharton’s central idea suggests that jealousy can harm friendship. Moreover, Wharton’s
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