Comparison Of 'Roman Fever And A Jury Of Her Peers'

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No matter if one is skiing through the slopes of Colorado or in Greece looking over the monuments, there is always a personal effect from any type of movement during the present setting. Whether an individual starts walking a certain way or someone leaves the current presence, personalities often drastically change. As we depict through the words of both Edith Wharton’s, “Roman Fever” and Susan Glaspell’s, “A Jury of Her Peers” we are set to define how movement and the story’s setting interact to portray a certain tone of each character involved. As each story progresses, we notice that both stories settings play a major role in the nature and detail with each group of characters to reveal an unpredicted ending. Whether the kitchen in Mrs.…show more content…
As the story opens, Glaspell sets us in the investigation scene of the murder of Mr. Wright, strangled by a noose in his home. Mr. and Mrs. Peters along with Mr. and Mrs. Hale are all at the scene to take upon an investigation and conviction to the victim’s wife, Mrs. Wright or Minnie Foster. Furthermore, during the cold lonely winter months in the Midwest, things tend to be quite desolate and weary. Family households are kept indoors, houses are structured sometimes miles apart and as we see in the story, phone lines and electricity are scarce. In example to the Wrights house, we see Glaspell write “It looked very lonesome this cold March morning. It had always been a lonesome-looking place” (Wharton 667-68). By Wharton using this statement, the setting of the lonesomeness of the Wrights house in March is comparative to Minnie being a lonesome women in her household with her spouse. Continuingly, when taking in the setting, with the relation of Minnie Foster, during this time lonesomeness is considered to be the norm for households. When digging into detail of the situation, Robin West claims “The lonesomeness endured by Minnie Foster in this house…was further underscored by the ugliness and hardness of life in a home pressed for cash, and without light, liveliness, or delight (West). So when looking at the motive for her to kill her husband, it was understandable by Mrs. Hale and Peters to cover up the story due to the setting

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