Role Of Violence In Macbeth

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Matthew Valencia Ms. Kasner Honors English 10, per. 1 26 December 2014 Fight or Flight: Reacting to Violence Major events of violent nature can stir entire nations and even the whole world. Everyone has his or her own way of reacting and dealing with news of violent events. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth kills the king in order to gain the throne for himself, but turns out to be a tyrant ruler that is overcome with guilt and fear, and is eventually killed. In Act II, the characters Macduff, Malcolm, and Ross illustrate the some of the different ways people have of dealing with a violent event by acting differently in response to the violent murder of king Duncan. Macduff becomes suspicious and curious as to whom killed the king, Malcolm…show more content…
He begins to think that Macbeth killed Duncan. “[Macbeth talking to Macduff] O, yet I do repent me of my fury, / that I did kill them. / [Macduff] Wherefore did you do so?” (2.3.117-119). Macbeth’s story does not quite get past Macduff, in terms of Macduff completely convincing him that he did not murder Duncan. He asks, “Wherefore did you do so?” which Macduff means suspiciously. This action also alludes to an instant suspicion in Macbeth and also a bit of tension between the two of them. This is also subtle foreshadowing by Shakespeare, alluding to there being something between Macbeth and Macduff in the…show more content…
He tells an old man, “And Duncan’s horses-a thing most strange and certain-beauteous and swift, the minions of their race, turn’d wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, contending ‘gainst obedience, as they would make war with mankind” (2.4.16-21). Ross makes it seem like the king’s murder was bound to happen. He connects obvious coincidences, in this case, the king’s horses becoming wild, to his death. This is relatable to the time period, where superstition was huge, and people connected everyday occurrences to make explanations for things happening. It also entertains the thought that Ross could be right about his theory by some crazy chance. Ross’s character is interesting and entertaining because of his reaction to the

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