Rohypnol: Date Rape

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Have you every thought about this happen to you? You are hanging out with you friends you sit your drink down and pick up the same drink not knowing that some put rohypnol in your drink you continue to finish your drinking you start to feel different and can’t understand why. In today society rape is higher than you could every imaging because of this Rohypnol as known as a date rape drug. This not only happen to women but it also happen to man as well so man do not be so nieve when sitting your drinks down. Anybody can be a victim to date rape drugs no matter if you are a women or a man. When someone is trying to commit a date rape crime they always lean on the date rape drug rohypnol. When we first here the word date we automatically think…show more content…
Club drugs caught my attention because I’m a very closed minded person when it comes to drugs. I had no ideal these kind of drugs existed to help predators play on the prey. Rohypnol is the biggest drug used to help man or women to commit sexual assault. So I choose this date rape drug to talk about so that I can look more into the drug and get to know what the drug is about. In this paper I will discuss the topic of rohypnol an break them down into the history of rohypnol, what is rohypnol, the legalization of rohypnol, possession of rohypnol, the affects cause on your body from Rohypnol, and what the side effect cause by depending on rohypnol. After breaking down these area you and I will have a better about the date rape drug Rohypnol and how bad this drug is affecting our society today in night clubs and out of clubs night club our younger to mid adults have a dependences on this drug because they are able to go to another place in the world to where someone can take full advantages of them when this drug I hit them…show more content…
This drug is about ten times more potent than Valium. Rohypnol is one of the many drugs tranquilizers with the potent sedative drug of the benzodiazepines class. The medical use of rohypnol is in a pre-operation anesthetic or a very strong sleeping pill, but anything stronger can bring on amnesia. This drug takes effect 10 minutes after the medication in taking. Within a peak of eight hours the medication can have the person fully unconscious. Rohypnol can come in a tasteless and odorless pill that can be grounded in powder. This date rate drug have connected to many different occasions of sexual assaults because this pill can act in a fast pace and can put into a drink which leaves the victim with not much memory of what happen in the incident. Rohypnol can also be known as roofies, forget me drug, roches, roofies, ruffles; other names include date rape drug, la roche, R2, rib, roach, roofenol, rope, rophies, the forget pill, getting roached, lunch money drug, Mexican Valium, pingus, Reynolds, Robutal, wolfies.The drug is usable in a white or olive green pill and is only sold in the manufacture’s buble packaging. You can used this date rape drug by either crushing the pills and snort the power, lace it in marijuana and smoking it, dissolve it an drink or inject

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