Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech

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Well known civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gives out a speech entitled " I have a dream" on August 28 1963. In the course of his speech, Dr. King dramatizes the "shameful condition" that the people are living in not only because of the racism or segregation but also because of the lack of humanity and injustice displayed by so many. He spoke out, attempting to reach all Americans, and people, around the world on his thoughts. Dr. King had expressed these thoughts and himself along with his ideals, by creating a settle but displeasing and sorrowful tone in the start of his speech and utilizing a dramatic transition to attain a hopeful tone towards the end. By doing all of this, Dr. King had hoped that the people had listened to what he had to say and wanted to take comfort in the fact that they will take action to change the ways of cruelty and exploitation that they have been demonstrating throughout history and present time. Dr. King tries to do this by first informing his audience of America's current condition but with an emotional appeal added to it. He speaks about how it is shameful that "the Negro is still languished" and "finds himself an exile in his own land." He speaks of the "…show more content…
King, acknowledges the injustice of racism and segregation by referencing the Emancipation Proclamation. He appeals to his audience's perception of segregation illogicality by saying that the proclamation was for the purpose of freeing the "million of Negro slaves" and then by exclaiming that "one hundred years later the Negro still is no free." This contradiction that he highlights appeals not only to the marches but to the whole nation, as a lack of logic and a broken promise, an appeal that is strengthen by his reference to an important historical legal document. This consistently between law and reality that Dr. King shows increases the impact of his speech and reveals to his audience the injustices of
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