Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech

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“I have a dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. King’s public speech brings the message of peace and equality to all Americans. He begins his speech with the history background of the “Negro slave”, and why they gather to demand a “check” of freedom in front of Lincoln Memorial. He convinces Americans that there will be no settle until every man is free. He encourages people to stand up together to love each other, to face hardship together and to overcome “discrimination”. At the end of the speech, Mr. King talks about his hope of a union and freedom society and encourages people to bring freedom to every state in America. 1. He uses history facts and events. (…Constitution…guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty…) 2. He achieves his goal without offense the opposite side(…for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today..) 1.…show more content…
The author has excellent application of ethos, logos and pathos. He is peace activist so he is credible. His logic is chronological (from past to present and event hope of future). 2. His speech is very respectful to the opposite party. There are no judgement or condemnation on white people. He does gain support from the opposite sides (White people). By far this is the best speech I have read, but the end of the speech is too emotional. It has many single sentences and emotion appeal. He also use the word “God” and many others related spiritual term. If I have no believes in “God”. The end of his speech will just be simple nagging and dreaming. It will not have a strong appeal to me. “I have a dream my four little children…they will not be judge by the color of their skin but by the content of their character….”This quote is a strong message of freedom and equality because it encourages people to change their point of view from discrimination to openness. It highly intensifies the message of freedom in Mr. King’s
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