Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech

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Martin Luther was an American pastor, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his memorable speech “I Have a Dream” on August 28, 1963 in Washington to a massive group of civil rights marchers gathered around the Lincoln memorial. The purpose of his speech was to inspire change in both black and white citizens of the United States. He wanted to see no discrimination among black and white people; His target audience is very general. In this speech Martin strongly argues that all people are created equal and therefore all should have equal rights. Although Martin skillfully architects cohesive structure, emotional appeals, writing style and used comprehendible language to reach his audience, however he used logical fallacies which are making his arguments weak. In the speech “I have a dream” Martin Luther said, in spite of emancipation proclamation,…show more content…
His accent and the way he spoke bought real passion to his speech. During his speech he used words which inspired people to continue fight for their rights and he said “Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive”. He kept rhythm in his speech to get attention of people, also he made his audience aware at each paragraph of his speech that what he wanted and what is his purpose. Also, the repetition of words shows his eagerness towards his aim. King was very commanding in his voice and wording and his unshakeable confidence make his speech effective. Moreover, His words are very hopeful and deliberate; he expressed his hope well in paragraphs where he talked about his dream that one day justice will come and African-Americans will be free and there would be sense of brotherhood, he gave the name of some cities where injustice was at its peak and also said that one day there would be justice, he did so to bring hope to his
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