Rhetorical Analysis Of A Talk To Teachers

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During 1963, there was the African American Civil Right movement which led many to jump out their comfort zone and seek answers themselves. As time goes by, the true meaning of history is buried beneath the lies and conformity of one's society. The standard way of thinking about African Americans has it by the perspective of White's history upon them. Whites apparently assume that African Americans are not worthy of the true meaning of their own realistic history. In “A Talk to Teachers” James Baldwin argues that with help of education and educating the true history in depth will free the African American students and let them become who they want by using repetition, metaphor, and anecdote. James Baldwin uses anecdote to demonstrate the way African Americans were treated with injustice between races perspective. " The Park Avenue I grew up…show more content…
James Baldwin states, “It would seem to me that when a child is born, if I’m the child’s parent, it is my obligation and my high duty to civilize that child. Man is a social animal. He cannot exist without a society.“ James Baldwin uses a metaphor to show that African American students is it taught to follow and continue the aims of society. He also states, “In order to justify the fact that men were treated as though they were animals, the white republic had to brainwash itself into believing that they were, indeed, animals and deserved to be treated like animals. Therefore it is almost impossible for any Negro child to discover anything about his actual history. The reason is that this “animal,” once he suspects his own worth, once he starts believing that he is a man, has begun to attack the entire power structure.” James Baldwin uses a metaphor to show an illustration of when an African American students knows their strengths in society by of who they are due to their known

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