Comparing Locke And Burke's Second Treatises Of Government

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Locke and Burke present arguments about both sides of the political spectrum and that tend to clash based on their core ideologies. Locke is the “Father of Classical Liberalism” and details how each person has the right to liberty, equality and individualism. Locke’s views align with the far left side of the political spectrum and with a more radical and revolutionary way of thinking, given the time. On the contrary, Burke’s writing was very right wing and conservative sticking to a view of tradition and a disregard for the individuality of citizens. Another point on which they differed was that of divine rule. Burke strongly believed that the king should rule and have complete say over what occurs in his kingdom. Locke argues that each person deserves a say, as in the state of nature there is no king, no queen and no royal power. Overall, Locke provided more of a compelling argument, with many aspects that…show more content…
Simply, Locke focused more on the future and how it ought to look, where as Burke thought we should use the past as a guide and stick to what people have already accepted. Locke was more revolutionary in his thinking believing that “THE natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man.” (§. 22) Comparatively, Burke’s view on Revolution or change was much different saying, “The Science of constructing a Commonwealth, or renovating it, or reforming it, is, like every other experimental science, not to be taught.” (p.61) Here we see a contrast in the two statements: one argues for liberty and calls for the dissolution of divine control; whereas the other calls change and revolution in order to obtain these rights “an experiment”, which is better left

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