Revenge In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Perspective is in the eye of the beholder. Throughout life, citizens of society are given the choice to view anything in life in their own perspective. Even though people of society may look at certain point of views as odd or peculiar it is in its own ideology. Throughout the work, known as Frankenstein, there has been many takes on this gothic literature. Although this work has been produced in various forms; none of these other forms are identical to the book, known as Frankenstein, by Mary Shelly. Throughout the work of Frankenstein the reader realizes that the story is being told through multiple point views, while in the 1910 and 1931 version, the director mainly focuses on Victor Frankenstein. This enhances the plot by allowing the audience to dig deep within the character, known as Victor Frankenstein. In contrary to what many people believe Victor Frankenstein was not consumed with evil at the beginning of his journey. Throughout the 1931 version the audience is started off seeing Victor Frankenstein and Fritz digging up a body from below the cold dirt, however, throughout the novel, the reader learns of “an innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven”. (Shelly 19) This shows us that throughout the movie, known as Henry, that Henry Frankenstein was not the evil scientist that he was portrayed as.…show more content…
Without the consistency theme of Revenge throughout the novel, Frankenstein, Victor’s Monster would not have gone against him due to the fact that the monster was not able to obtain a companion created by his creator. Even though this theme was consistent throughout the novels and films it was never delivered the way it was supposed to be. Throughout the 1910 film version, the director plans to make the whole situation with the monster as a daydream and that none of these events
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