Annual Catholic Appeal Research Paper

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As devoted catholics, we are called to be stewards of God and give a portion of what God has given us back to our community. Each year, the Archdiocese of St. Louis organizes the Annual Catholic Appeal, which brings Catholics throughout the St. Louis area together to answer the Gospel call of Christ to serve others. The Annual Catholic Appeal is a campaign to raise money from various St. Louis Catholics in order to help out the Church and the less fortunate in our community. During the Annual Catholic Appeal, participation is essential to help support the growth of our Church and community as a whole. Since our entry into the Catholic Church, we have received a Baptismal call to serve others and practice stewardship. Service is an integral part of being a Catholic…show more content…
Since the time of Jesus, people have been doing service for others out of respect and to show gratitude towards each other. Luke 22: 27 states “For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.” . This verse suggests that Jesus is always with those who serve others in our community. The Annual Catholic Appeal offers us a great opportunity to donate to the less fortunate. As catholics, it is our responsibility to take care of the poor and vulnerable. In everything we do, we must consider the impact our decision will have on the poor and vulnerable. By donating to the Annual Catholic Appeal, we are contributing to helping out those in need. Our money will help support their lives and go towards food, drink, clothing, shelter, and much more that every human being should have. This process of changing the lives of those in need will not work if only a few people donate to the Annual Catholic Appeal. A wise man once said “The team is only as strong as the weakest player.”. This quote applies to the

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