Relationship Between Creon And Antigone

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The conflict in Antigone between King Creon and Antigone is an interesting one. It comes down to the question of whether or not Antigone was just in defying the state’s power. Creon ordered that anyone who moves or tries to bury the body of the “traitor” Polynices shall be put to death. Antigone the sister of Polynices breaks Creon’s law and buries her brother. When brought before Creon, Antigone openly admits that she has defied his law but says that what she has done was not wrong. Antigone claims that it was not a just law. I believe John Locke would side with Antigone in this conflict because he would say that Creon’s law was not only unjust, but also an abusive of his power. Locke would argue that the law Creon created was not in the interest of his people but only his own. In his second Treatise Locke talked of tyranny and defined at as, “…tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right, which nobody can have a right to. And this is making use of the power any one has in his hands, not for the good of those who are under, but for his own private, separate advantage” (Second Treatise §, 199). Creating the law to let the body of Polynices rot and remain unburied…show more content…
At one point Creon says, “Am I to rule this land by the will of another than myself?” (Soph. Ant. 736). When Creon said that he himself affirmed that it was his will and not the will of the people that took precedent. Creon again incriminated himself on tyranny when he said, “Does not the city by tradition belong to the man in power?” (Soph. Ant. 738). Again Creon thinks that he holds all the power, but Locke would make the point that only power the state should hold is to ensure justice is served for its people. People consented to being governed, but when government begins to rule like Creon did, the natural liberty of the people becomes under

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