Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, And The Oresteia

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Aeschylus was a pioneer of theatre and directed many of his own productions. He is credited with adding a second speaking actor into his plays. This was a major innovation, greatly increasing the number of situations which could be presented; especially if each actor portrayed multiple characters, as soon became the custom. He also involved the chorus directly in the action of the play. The immediate effect of these changes was felt in the development of the visual form of the dramatic presentation. That said, whatever changes he made, Aeschylus always remained elemental and simple. Aside from his technical innovations, Aeschylus also expanded the art form to deliver relevant, contemporary messages to his audience. A veteran of the…show more content…
His works often examined issues of culpability passed down from generations before as evident in his extensive choral odes. Another distinctive feature of his approach was carrying thematic material between plays, creating sequels in the process, infusing his work with a unified structure. One such trilogy is Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides, known collectively as the Oresteia. Considered by many to be is greatest work, the Oresteia makes use of recurrent imagery or ‘ring-composition’ structure while exploring themes of justice, revenge, and the consequences of ones actions. As observed, Aeschylus was undoubtedly a master of his…show more content…
Sophocles himself played an active role in serving the city, appointed as one of the treasurers of the Greeks for a time and also served as general during the early stages of the Peloponnesian War. As a result, there are underlying connections to the role of politics in Athens as Sophocles emphasizes the importance of a democracy as opposed to dictatorship as can be observed in works such as Antigone. When the city is said to be cursed by the gods, Creon is forced to go against his own decree and free Antigone in order to save the city. This is in accord with one of Sophocles’ main message that the welfare of the city is above that of any one individual, including the

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