Reflection Of Drama

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Drama is a mode of fictional representation through dialogue and performance (Definition of drama, 2016). It is used as one of the methods to teach language to young children as it connects the language learning experience with the learner’s own real life experience. Therefore, this coursework requires us to stage a play that we have adapted with the knowledge of drama techniques that we have been taught in class. It might sound easy, but actually it is not. In spite of the time constraint, we still had to undergo a few preliminary processes in order to put up a great play. The first process was on the selection of stories. Here, we were asked to select and adapt a suitable story for children aged between 10-12 years old. We thought of choosing…show more content…
I was being given the authority to take in charge of the make-up team. At first, everything was still under control. Without realizing it was already the second last week before the big day, time flies so fast and I could not describe how chaotic it was back then. Due to the time constraint, we have encountered multiple of difficulties in planning and performing the play. Plus minus we only have 2 more weeks for the play practice, including the preparation of costumes, backdrop and props. Not to mention the other assignments, the KOT thingy and the courses we need to attend on weekends. Our schedule was totally…show more content…
Besides, having courage to face new challenges is also important in order to achieve success. What I can relate from this to my profession as a future teacher, never afraid to take any challenges. A teacher must have courage to face any situations. Obliquely, he/she will be able to become a good role model for his/her students in order to inspire them. According to one article “How courage can help students learn and achieve” (2011), teaching students how to bring courage into their day-to-day school life can improve their learning, performance, and engagement at school. This is because the role of courage in the classroom can be linked to academic performance and engagement. Thus, in my opinion having courage is very essential for everyone, especially the teacher who has great influences on his/her
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