Rebirth In Tibetan Buddhism

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Introduction Buddhism is a knowledge, technically a wisdom that teach all beings attain freedom and emancipation from suffering. To attain this high goal –nibbana one should also understand some basic characteristics of Buddhism such as impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha), and non-self (anatta). As a newcomer in Buddhism, one would easily come up a ‘bad question’ that “who is the one that is rebirth since there is no self in Buddhism?” because of the existence of reincarnation system in Tibetan Buddhism seems contradict with this basic teaching in Buddhism. Thus, this essay will divide into three parts: Firstly, from worldly person’s views of the notion of “self” compare to the Buddhism point of view of ‘self’ with discuss about where…show more content…
From Buddhism point of view, “Rebirth occurs through consciousness or stream of consciousness and then become a new combination of aggregates.” More specifically, according to “Sandhinirmocana Sūtra” in Mahayana Buddhism, this essence of a beings can be seen as the store consciousness ( ālaya-vijñāna) in the eight consciousness (Skt: aṣṭa-vijñāna-kāya) because it clings to and hides in the body in the sense of sharing the body's same "fate" or "welfare". One of the difference between Hinayana and Mahayana philosophy about the rebirth is the store consciousness ( ālaya-vijñāna), which can be seen from Yogacara (vijnanavada) school of Buddhism as a storehouse-consciousness which induces rebirth causing the origination of a new existence. The rebirth or reincarnation is through the five aggregates; even the store consciousness (ālaya-vijñāna) is also included among the five aggregates. Here, we can understand the impermanent self is not exist, there are no entity is rather than five

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